First American Energy

Coal tractor

“Unlocking and monetizing the value of U.S. Coal.”

What is the FAE Process?

The FAE Process is an enhanced proprietary coal remediation process that uses any grade of coal. The FAE process is environmentally friendly in that it does not burn coal.

Primary products produced from the FAE Process are: char (carbon) and tar. The products can achieve higher returns than their predecessors, as we have engineered them to be responsive to today’s needs.

Why the FAE Process will revolutionize Coal use?

Coal is converted, without burning, into products that can be used by multiple industries. The most profitable products we will produce are activated carbon used in water filtration and char that will be blended with our New Mex U-Mate® humate to produce HumaChar®, a super soil amendment and fertilizer for the agricultural industry. Tars produced will be sold as is to the road-building or to refineries as a feedstock for diesel.

Coal has been previously misused. The least attractive use of coal is burning it in a utility plant that creates pollution. The unit selling price of coal is very low and does not permit much, if any, in the way of a return on investment.

What is Huma-Char®? Huma-Char® in Action—A Scientific Trial by Expert Dr. Vladimir Vasilenko

Why utilize First American Energy?

First American Energy, LLC (FAE), an Arizona limited liability company, has been formed to manage and construct smaller FAE processing facilities. FAE can construct an FAE Process facility anywhere to turn around losing coal operations and make them profitable.


FAE’s production facility is located in New Mexico. The humate business has a 15-year track record of selling its organic products to some of the largest agricultural companies in the world (like Dole Food Company).

Principals Dennis and Jane Yellowhorse Jones have more than 30 years experience in the coal and humate industries. Principal Jack Mishler is a retired CPA and current business consultant with more than 40 years experience.

advantages of the fae process
other technologies

new FAE CHARTFor more inquires and requests about the about the FAE process, contact:

Jane Yellowhorse Jones, Principal
Dennis Yellowhorse Jones
, Principal
First American Energy, LLC
9100 N. Morning Glory Road
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253


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